21st Century Customer Relationships, Value Propositions, and Pricing
A New Economics for Digital Content and Services.
I had the pleasure of presenting a wide-ranging workshop -- designed to break through old biz-model blinders -- to a very engaged audience at NYCML19 (the annual summit of NYC Media Lab) on Thursday, 9/26/19.
We are now at a critical juncture in business, marketing, and broader aspects of market capitalism. If we do not rethink some dangerous unspoken presumptions, we will fail to reap the true promise of this emerging digital era.
The workshop was an exploratory “think tank” workshop on future directions in Customer Relationships, Value Propositions, and Pricing. Participants will learn to see through presumptions now obsoleted by the new economics of digital content and services. Participants will be shown a promising architecture for a new logic that includes “risk-free subscriptions” (as a pay-ramp rather than a pay-wall), and that customizes prices based on value. We will explore how to chart a strategic path that rethinks conventional approaches and points to incremental steps toward a deepening transformation. This workshop relates to the “relationship economy” in which recurring revenue, subscription, and membership models are becoming mainstream, all driven by the win-win potential of the “post-scarcity” economics of digital media. It will draw on AI, machine learning, and operationalizing ethics in business models."
This interactive session will be a forum for rethinking how we do business, earn profits, and create value in our new digital world. We will consider a wide range of current and emerging models in terms of a "Ladder of Value" -- including subscriptions (unlimited, and usage-based), paywalls, freemium, membership, crowdfunding, patronship, pay what you want, micropayments, dynamic pricing, blockchain, and paying consumers for their data and attention -- with a perspective that spans commercial services, journalism, the arts, and non-profits.
posts, The Relationship Economy -- It's All About Valuing Customer Experience, and The Elements of Next-Gen Relationships and Pricing -- A Unifying Framework.
NYCML'19 is a snapshot of the best thinking, projects and talent from across the City's industry and university ecosystem.
More about FairPay

- More in the Overview and the sidebar "How FairPay Works" (just to the right, if reading this at FairPayZone.com).
- There is also Selected items (including links to videos and decks).
- And these journal articles, A Novel Architecture to Monetize Digital Offerings and Pricing in Consumer Digital Markets: A Dynamic Framework.
- Or, my highly praised book: FairPay: Adaptively Win-Win Customer Relationships.
(FairPay is an open architecture, in the public domain. My work on FairPay is pro-bono. I offer free consultation to those interested in applying FairPay, and welcome questions.)